Email Services Configuration - Reply & Forward Settings

This will guide you on how to configure email services - reply and forward settings

1. Click "Settings"


2. Click "Email Services"


3. Input "Forwarding Address"

Whenever a lead answers one of your emails, their response is guaranteed to appear in the Conversations tab. But, if you want to make sure that a COPY of that response is sent to a specific email address, you can enter that email address in the corresponding field.

You could enter multiple forwarding email addresses here separated by a comma, e.g.,,

Forwarding address and BCC Emails work only on Mailgun and LC email, we don't support other smtp providers

4. Toggle switch

The user who is assigned to the respective lead will get the email responses in their Email Inbox. This email will be sent to the email address that belongs to that user which can be found in Settings > My Staff > Edit User > User Info.

Toggle switch

5. Click "SAVE"


6. Input "BCC Emails"

You can configure the system to send you a Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) for every email sent from that specific location.


7. Click "SAVE"


8. Input "Reply Address"

We now have the option to add a reply-to address. If set, all incoming emails will be sent to that email address instead of going to the Conversation tab. Keep in mind that if you choose to reply to the lead's email from your email inbox instead of within the CRM, your reply will not sync back to the CRM.


9. Click "SAVE"

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