How to input Multiple Phone Numbers for a Contact

This guide will walk you through the process of inputting multiple phone numbers for a contact

The Multiple Phone Numbers for a Contact feature is designed to improve the user experience when managing contact information in a CRM system.

1. Click "Contacts"


2. Select "Contact"

Create a new contact or select an existing one.

You can add multiple phone numbers for both new and existing contacts.


3. Proceed to "Contact" tab

Proceed to

4. Navigate to "Phone"

Navigate to

5. Click here

Click here

6. Lists of phone numbers

Users can now add up to eleven phone numbers for a single contact. This flexibility allows for better management of clients or leads with multiple contact numbers, such as home, work, mobile, or preferred numbers.

Lists of phone numbers

7. Click here to "Delete phone number"

Click here to

8. Click here to "Add phone number"

Please note that you can add up to 11 phone numbers per contact, including the original primary number
Click here to

9. You can edit existing numbers

You can edit existing numbers

10. Add labels to phone numbers

Labels can help categorize the phone numbers.

When adding or editing a phone number, choose the appropriate label from the dropdown menu.

Add labels to phone numbers

11. Click here to set a "Primary number"

The primary number will serve as the default contact point for all interactions with that contact.

To designate a primary number, click the 'Mark as Primary' checkbox next to the desired phone number.

Click here to set a

12. Click "Save"


13. Make a call on an additional phone number

From the contact's details, you can call any of the added phone numbers.

Simply click on the 'Call' button next to the respective phone number you wish to dial.

Make a call on an additional phone number

These features provide greater flexibility and organization when managing contact information within your CRM system.

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