Setting up new WordPress as a Blog

In this article, we'll guide you through the steps necessary to set up a new WordPress blog so that you can start producing engaging content and reach your audience.

Setting up a new WordPress Site

If you are creating a new WordPress site, the following two use cases will be relevant for you. 

Setting up new WordPress as a Blog

In this most likely you plan to use your WordPress site on a subdomain like or In this case, once you are on this screen, pick "I want to create a new website"

Then login to your domain provider (like CloudFlare, GoDaddy, BigRock, NameCheap, etc.) and add a CNAME record for pointing to An example of this using BigRock domain provider is shown below.

Linked Articles for other Domain Registrars

  1. How to add a CNAME Record in CloudFlare

  2. How to add a CNAME Record in

  3. How to add a CNAME Record in BlueHost

  4. How to add a CNAME Record in HostGator

  5. How to add a CNAME Record in GoDaddy

  6. How to add a CNAME Record in NameCheap

Some domain providers take 24 - 48 hours to propagate DNS changes while others are instant. You can use tools like to check if your DNS changes are propagated or not.

Once your DNS changes are propagated, you can come back to the following screen and verify that your domain is correctly pointed

If your domain is not pointed correctly, you will get an error like the example below

This can happen due to a few reasons

  1. There is a typo in your domain name [like in the example above]
    In this scenario fixing the typo will resolve your issue

  2. Your DNS changes haven't propagated yet
    In this case you need to wait longer and try again after a few hours or the next day to see if it works

  3. Your DNS configuration is not setup correctly
    Please reach out to your Domain Provider and discuss the errors with their support team

  4. Maybe you have conflicting records for the same subdomain [for example if has a CNAME record pointing to but it also has an A record pointing to some other provider]
    In such cases removing the other duplicate record will fix your issue

In most cases with your DNS setup, our support teams will not be able to assist you and you may need to reach out to your domain provider.

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